Friday, May 2, 2008

Free Book Hack!!!

How to get books for free!

I finally found a hack for getting free books. It's easy to steal music and movies on the internet, so it's about time we're able to get books. I have spent hundreds of dollars on books over the past few years and I'm sick of having to pay for them, so I started looking for ways around the system. After a while, I found a loophole. This isn't hi-tech or anything, so most people can do it with little to no trouble. The steps are outlined below, good luck and happy hacking.

1. Walk, bike or drive to your local library.

2. Get a library card if you don't have one. This step is vital. Without the card, the hack won't work.

3. While your at the library, go around and get all the books you want. Some even have computers on site that tell you what books are there...suckers!

4. Give your books to the librarian. IMPORTANT NOTE: Once you do that, give him/her your library card.

5. If the hack works properly, you'll be able to walk out with the books you want and you can read them at your leisure.

6. Return the books when you're done reading them so others can hack the system.

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