Wednesday, May 7, 2008


This is our second edition of the BOTW and I'm excited to talk about a local Harrisburg brew from Troegs brewery. Troegs is a great little brewery that's slowly been growing in popularity and notoriety over the past 10 years or so. They make a great variety of beers including a lot of seasonal brews (I'm sure come December, they'll make the list again). My favorite of their year-round beers is probably their most popular. The beer is Troegenator and it'll put your face to concrete in a hurry if you're not careful. They have managed to craft a beer that is remarkably high in alcohol content but is also entirely drinkable without noticing that trait. That's where danger is lurking. If you're able to moderate yourself, which is admittedly difficult, you'll still be able to taste the smooth, spicy rich brew at the end of the night. If not, you will fight your best friend and wake up outside your tri-state area. For information on Troegs, go here:

As always, I hope this article finds you enjoying your favorite beer with your favorite people.

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